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Space Time

Quee MacArthur

Space Time is the residency run by Magnetic North Theatre that I attended last week. I was back in Findhorn again where I took this photo of the Moray Firth one evening. The residency gives participants to a chance to look at where they are at, relating to work on different artistic ventures. I found it very insightful and I got a lot out of it. One of my personal conclusions was that I really enjoy working with other people and I would like to work on my own a bit less often. This made me laugh this week as pretty much as soon as I got home the announcement about social distancing came out. Well, I will just have to work with other people over the internet now! I have already started. We had to cancel our Memory Path gig so we are going to focus on getting the album that we have started finished. I have been sharing the multitracks with Dave Martin and Joseph Peach so they can add some overdubs. The Shooglenifty album is coming on too. All the recording is complete and it just has to be mixed now, so lots of music to look forwards to in the future.... how far in the future now there's a question.

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