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The start of the path

Quee MacArthur

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the crowdfunder

There's still a bit to go until we reach the target so any more contributions for the EP are very welcome.

I thought it would be good to describe some parts of our walk in May 2019 that inspired the music:

We started our walk on the far side of the loch from the town of Lochinver, walking up the road through the woods and then on through the birch trees as the track rose steeply until it came out onto high moorland.

We could look back towards Lochinver and see Suliven in the distance. Our path rose again above a lochan and evened out for a while. The exposed rocks had extraordinary patterns with greys, pinks and white quartz mingled in a twisted seam. As we continued, we came across a a caterpillar crossing our path. Yellow ochre and brown with bright orange patches shining in the sunlight, there was something very cheering and comical in its appearance. We descended a little through more young birch trees, filled with small birds singing and twittering, and as we approached the ridge we could see two lochs stretched out before us. On our way down the hill, a couple of old crofts came into view and a byre with a rusted corrugated roof and a circular walled garden. Although overgrown, many of the plants and herbs were still visible amongst the grass and wild plants and the blossom of an apple tree was just emerging. An abandoned bike and an old shoe added a curious poignancy to this garden and old byre, its walls carefully constructed with huge blocks of stone.

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